Q&A from February 17th meeting

In the Question & Answer portion of the meeting, a member asked how to recycle an old computer.  It was stated that Clinton has a garbage transfer station that will take discarded computers.  Hunterdon County also has a hazardous waste disposal day when computers can be discarded.  Check with the county or township offices.  Just be sure to remove all personal data from the computer before disposing of it. One suggestion was to destroy the hard disk by drilling a hole in it.

Another question was “what is the difference between DSL and cable”.  This brought up a discussion of the various pricing between the services and it was generally agreed that cable has better speed than DSL. In some areas cable is one way only and a phone line is still required for uploading.

Alice mentioned that she had discussed some computer questions with from Evelyn Stewart, who now resides in Nebraska, and brought up two of her own.  She was concerned because she had DSL installed; yet her computer kept asking for a dial-up connection.  It was concluded that this was a set up problem.  Patriot Media who installed the DSL, did not complete the installation correctly.

Her second question was that her email messages could not be seen on the screen.  It was felt that this might be due to a problem with her word-wrap, or that the page resolution needed to be changed so the message displayed could be resized to fit on the screen.